
Home Server, VPS and Documentation
I currently operate two servers, one at home and one hosted online. My home server acts as a file server, VPN, photo library and media server along with many different services running on Docker. My VPS contains more Docker services such as hosting for my personal website, my Discord bot, analytics, image organisation and other useful tools.

DCU Media Production Society Website
Built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Django, I created a custom website for DCU's Media Production Society as part of my tasks as a webmaster. It features dynamic content for our upcoming events, automated DCUfm data, details about the history of MPS, information about the committee and much more!

DCU Fotosoc Website
Developing a full stack website built using React, TailwindCSS and Firebase to fulfil the requirements of the society. Utilising the Stripe API to allow the society to sell merchandise and our yearly photo collection book.

Redbrick Email Generator
This tool allows the Redbrick committee to easily generate emails using HTML tags via BeautifulSoup and Jinja into a preconfigured format, and enables emails to be sent directly from the website using smtplib. The web UI was created using Tailwind CSS and is powered by Flask.

Clubs & Societies API
Allows you to get information about societies and clubs from university websites using the Assure Memberships Platform for use in other applications. This API is utilised in my other projects such as the DCU Media Production Society website and the DCU Fotosoc website, displaying upcoming event information to members.

The College View App
Developing an iOS & Android app for The College View - DCU's independent student newspaper using Flutter and the WordPress REST API. The app allows users to view articles and categories, submit their own articles and search for articles, the app is planned to be released on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

Chairperson - Redbrick
March 2024 - Present
- Leading the weekly committee meetings, ensuring order and timekeeping.
- Overseeing the running of the society as a whole and enabling each member of the committee to complete tasks.
- Previous: Redbrick Secretary (March 2023 - March 2024)

Webmaster / React & Firebase Developer - DCU Fotosoc
March 2024 - Present
- Developing a full stack website built using React & Firebase to showcase all aspects of DCU Fotosoc.
- Utilising the Stripe API to allow for the sale of merchandise and yearly photo book.
- Liaising with the committee to develop the website with the society’s vision in mind.

Webmaster / Django & WordPress Developer - DCU Media Production Society
April 2023 - Present
- Built a custom website using Bootstrap & Django for the society.
- Implemented a live donation bar for the yearly 24-Hour Broadcast which raised over €12,800 for Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation.
- Configured an email system that provides committee members with professional emails.
- Maintaining a WordPress website with over 6,000+ articles and over 13+ years of content for The College View newspaper.
- Building a Flutter iOS and Android app for The College View that queries the WordPress REST API for article and page data.

Class Representative - COMSCI1, COMSCI2 - DCU Students' Union
October 2022 - Present
- Responsible for solving any problems that the class group may have.
- Relaying important information/changes to the class group.
- Working with lecturers and faculty to resolve issues regarding assessments, timetables, and examinations.